Here at Legacy Roleplay we aim to provide our community members with the best gameplay experience possible by bringing out frequent updates based around the members suggestions.

Legacy Roleplay Rules

If a member of staff says something that may not be in the rules please don't argue with them,
please come to support and re-open your case with a higher member of staff


General Rules

  • Do not minge.
  • Do not RDM.
  • Do not break NLR.
  • Do not fading door abuse.
  • Do not body block.
  • Do not RDA.
  • Do not metagame.
  • Do not advertise servers or any other things.
  • Do not threaten someone or the server.
  • Do not use exploits e.g. bugs/glitches to your advantage.
  • Do not troll in any way.
  • Do not impersonate staff members and users.
  • Do not self-supply. You may buy yourself a pistol for self defense.
  • Do not scam.
  • Do not mic spam.
  • Do not waste staff’s time.
  • Do not make admin reports about things related to RP.
  • Do not talk rubbish in OOC.
  • Do not post things around the map slagging off the server.
  • Do not defy staff members, if you have a problem please come to the website or Teamspeak.
  • Do not ask for staff.
  • Do not spam staff chat.
  • Do not propclimb/proppush.
  • Do not spam vape sounds/vape smoke to or around people or you will be warned for minging!.
  • Do not spam any sounds, E.G camera sounds etc. You will be warned!.



Roleplay Rules

  • Mayors cannot possess any form of weapon.
  • You can not build in PD.
  • Citizens may not have any weapons on them apart from those purchased through our donation store.
  • Jobs that do not earn an income cannot own props or own doors.
  • Cops/Mayor cannot have fading doors/props in the police department.
  • Hitmen may not get help from other people.
  • Hitmen must have a valid roleplay reason from the person setting the hit to kill someone.
  • Make sure you read your job description before becoming the desired job.
  • Make sure you have a valid reason for wanting a hit on someone.
  • Hitmen can't base.
  • Roleplay is not allowed in spawn, this includes building bases.
  • You cannot avoid RP situations by sitting on surfaces (alt + e).



Raiding/Kidnap/Mugging Rules

  • You can only raid as jobs that are classed as bad people.
  • You must wait 5 minutes between raiding bases and 30 minutes between raiding the same base.
  • Advertise your raids/kidnaps/mugs etc.
  • Citizens cannot raid etc.
  • You must wait 3 minutes between mugging/kidnapping people and 10 minutes between mugging/kidnapping the same person.
  • The max amount of money you can ask for during a kidnap is 15k
  • The max amount of money you can ask for during a mug is 5k
  • Do not abuse one way doors/walls.
  • Do not stay dead and tell people around you what's happening etc.
  • When raiding/kidnapping/mugging make sure you track when you did it and don't break the cooldown rule.
  • If someone has a building sign up you cannot roleplay with them in a hostile way unless they move a fair distance from their base.
  • You may go back to your base if the people that raided you adverted raid over.
  • You cannot kill someone inside the base unless they pose a threat to you (holding a weapon).
  • When the bank is being raided, all Police and SWATs NLR is set to 2 minutes, after the bank raid NLR is back to normal.



Building Rules

  • Do not have crouch bases.
  • Do not build during raids.
  • You only need one entrance to your base!
  • Do not abuse fading doors.
  • Only block off areas of the map when you have 4 people in your base or more.
  • Do not build in spawn.
  • Do not build laggy bases.
  • You are allowed one-way props, as long as you don't abuse them.
  • Keypads must be 5 second opening time at least and visible to players.
  • Do not build on the street, only hobos can.
  • Do not build inside bases you don't own.
  • You must be able to get in and out of your base without removing props.
  • Fading door limit is 3
  • KOS Signs must be in front of your base and clearly visible, use size 80 text using textscreens.
  • You must own all doors inside your base.
  • Do not have a KOS sign when you have a building sign. One or the other.
  • When you have a building sign you are not allowed anything to do with RP inside e.g. printers.
  • No unraidable bases.
  • No maze bases/bases that take ages to get in.
  • Do not build on roofs or in the sky (skybases).
  • Do not block off entire areas restricting buildings from other players.



Donation Rules

  • It is staff discretion whether you are abusing wire/E2, if you are found abusing it your VIP package will be revoked instantly WITHOUT refund.
  • We will be removing and adding perks to vip without notice so dont complain or try asking for a refund because of this!




Promotion/Staff Terms

  • After being promoted you have a period of time (2 hours) where you can be demoted if the higher up’s don’t feel you are ready for your rank
  • Do not ask for a recommendation.
  • Don’t ask for promotions or this will result in a strike!
  • If you have been struck don't moan about it just report it on forums if you feel it wasn't justified
  • Do not talk/interact with people that are in roleplay.
  • Don't fly off duty, Use powers off duty, Sort admin sits off duty unless its mass RDM, Basically don’t use anything you get as an admin off duty or this will result in a STRIKE! No warnings needed due to you accepting you have read the rules when you apply.
  • Don't dupe other people's bases without permission. Or dupe e2 without permission
  • Do not fly into peoples bases without a valid reason as it annoys them off
  • Do not AFK on duty.



Extra Information

  • When requesting refunds, From a server crash or a restart, Make sure you have screenshots!!! Otherwise refunds arent a thing.